Spring MVC log

Update time: 2024-09-18

SpringMVC Log Format

After integrating SpringMVC, SOFATracer will output the link data format of the MVC requests, which is JSON by default.

Spring MVC digest log (spring-mvc-digest.log)

Data is ouput in JSON format. The meaning of each key is as follows:

Key Meaning
Time Log printing time
Local.app Current application name
traceId TraceId
spanId SpanId
Request.url Request URL
Method Request HTTP method
Result.code HTTP return status code
req.size.bytes Request body size
resp.size.bytes Response body size
Time.cost.milliseconds Request time (ms)
Current.thread.name Current thread name
Baggage Transparently transmitted baggage data


{"time":"2018-06-03 16:44:05.829","local.app":"SpringMvcJsonOutput","traceId":"c0a80d9e1528015445828101064625","spanId":"0","request.url":"http://localhost:63933/greeting","method":"GET","result.code":"200","req.size.bytes":0,"resp.size.bytes":50,"time.cost.milliseconds":1,"current.thread.name":"http-nio-auto-1-exec-10","baggage":""}

Spring MVC statistical log (spring-mvc-stat.log)

stat.key is a collection of statistical keywords in this period., which uniquely determines a set of statistical data, including local.app, request.url, and method field.

Key Meaning
time Log printing time
stat.key local.app Current application name
request.url Request URL
method Request HTTP method
count Number of requests in this period
total.cost.milliseconds Total duration for (ms) requests in this period
success Request result: Y means success (the result code starting with 1 and 2 indicates success, and 302 indicates that the redirection is successful, and others indicate failure); N indicates failure
load.test Pressure test mark: T indicates pressure test; F indicates non-pressure test


{"time":"2018-06-03 16:44:02.473","stat.key":{"request.url":"http://localhost:63933/greeting","local.app":"SpringMvcJsonOutput","method":"GET"},"count":5,"total.cost.milliseconds":149,"success":"Y","load.test":"F"}