Update time: 2024-09-18

SOFARPC Log Format

After SOFARPC (v5.4.0 and above) is integrated in SOFATracer, the link data is output in JSON format by default. Each field meaning is as follows:

RPC client digest log (rpc-client-digest.log)

  • Log printing time
  • TraceId
  • SpanId
  • Span type
  • Current appName
  • Protocol type (bolt, rest)
  • Service interface information
  • Method name
  • Current thread name
  • Calling type (sync, callback, oneway, future)
  • Routing record (DIRECT, REGISTRY)
  • Target IP
  • Target appName
  • Local machine IP
  • Return code (00=success; 01=business exception; 02=RPC logic error; 03=timeout failure;04=routing failure)
  • Request serialization time (in ms)
  • Response deserialization time (in ms)
  • Response size (in Byte)
  • Request size (in Byte)
  • Client connection duration (in ms)
  • Total call duration (in ms)
  • Local client port
  • Transparently transmitted baggage data (kv format)


{"timestamp":"2018-05-20 17:03:20.708","tracerId":"1e27326d1526807000498100185597","spanId":"0","span.kind":"client","":"SOFATracerRPC","protocol":"bolt","service":"","method":"sayDirect","":"main","invoke.type":"sync","router.record":"DIRECT","":"samples","remote.ip":"","local.client.ip":"","result.code":"00","req.serialize.time":"33","resp.deserialize.time":"39","resp.size":"170","req.size":"582","client.conn.time":"0","client.elapse.time":"155","local.client.port":"59774","baggage":""}

RPC server digest log (rpc-server-digest.log)

  • Log printing time
  • TraceId
  • SpanId
  • Span type
  • Service interface information
  • Method name
  • Source IP
  • Source appName
  • Protocol (bolt, rest)
  • Current appName
  • Current thread name
  • Return code (00=success; 01=business exception; 02=RPC logic error)
  • Server thread pool waiting time (in ms)
  • Business processing duration (in ms)
  • Response serialization time (in ms)
  • Request deserialization time (in ms)
  • Response size (in Byte)
  • Request size (in Byte)
  • Transparently transmitted baggage data (kv format)


{"timestamp":"2018-05-20 17:00:53.312","tracerId":"1e27326d1526806853032100185011","spanId":"0","span.kind":"server","service":"","method":"sayDirect","remote.ip":"","":"SOFATracerRPC","protocol":"bolt","":"SOFATracerRPC","":"SOFA-BOLT-BIZ-12200-5-T1","result.code":"00","server.pool.wait.time":"3","biz.impl.time":"0","resp.serialize.time":"4","req.deserialize.time":"38","resp.size":"170","req.size":"582","baggage":""}

RPC client statistical log (rpc-client-stat.log)

  • Log printing time
  • Log key
  • Method information
  • Client appName
  • Service interface information
  • Number of calls
  • Total duration (in ms)
  • Call result (Y/N)


{"time":"2018-05-18 07:02:19.717","stat.key":{"method":"method","":"client","service":"app.service:1.0"},"count":10,"total.cost.milliseconds":17,"success":"Y"}

RPC server statistical log ( rpc-server-stat.log)

  • Log printing time
  • Log key
  • Method information
  • Client appName
  • Service interface information
  • Number of calls
  • Total duratin (in ms)
  • Call result (Y/N)


{"time":"2018-05-18 07:02:19.717","stat.key":{"method":"method","":"client","service":"app.service:1.0"},"count":10,"total.cost.milliseconds":17,"success":"Y"}