RestTemplate Log Format
SOFATracer integrates RestTemplate and outputs the requested link log data format. The default is JSON
data format.
RestTemplate digest log(resttemplate-digest.log)
The data is output in JSON format. Each key meaning is as follows:
key | Meaning |
time | Log printing time | | Current application name |
traceId | TraceId |
spanId | SpanId |
request.url | Request URL |
method | Request HTTP method |
result.code | HTTP return status code |
resp.size.bytes | Response Body Size |
time.cost.milliseconds | Request time (ms) | | Current thread name | | remote app name |
baggage | Transparently transmitted baggage data |
{"time":"2018-10-24 10:45:28.977","":"RestTemplateDemo","traceId":"0a0fe8b3154034912878910015081","spanId":"0","request.url":"","method":"GET","result.code":"200","resp.size.bytes":0,"time.cost.milliseconds":188,"":"main","":"","baggage":""}
RestTemplate stat log(resttemplate-stat.log)
is the collection of statistical keywords in this period, which uniquely determines a set of statistical data, including, request.url, and method field.
Key | Meaning | |
time | Log printing time | |
stat.key | | Current application name |
request.url | Request URL | |
method | Request HTTP method | |
count | Number of requests in this period | |
total.cost.milliseconds | Total duration (ms) for requests in this period | |
success | Request result: Y means success ; N indicates failure | |
load.test | Pressure test mark: T indicates pressure test; F indicates non-pressure test |
{"time":"2018-10-24 10:46:28.769","stat.key":{"method":"GET","":"RestTemplateDemo","request.url":""},"count":1,"total.cost.milliseconds":5009,"success":"true","load.test":"F"}