
Update time: 2024-09-18

Unit test

Place the unit test cases in the modules developed by yourself.

If the cases rely on a third-party server (such as ZooKeeper), you must manually add the profile. See the registry-zookeeper module code.

If the cases rely on other modules and integration test is required, place them in the test/test-intergrated module.

If the cases also rely on a third-party server (such as ZooKeeper), place them in the test-intergrated-3rd module.

Performance test

Close the following projects that are closed by default:

-Dcontext.attachment.enable=false -Dserialize.blacklist.enable=false -Ddefault.tracer= -Dlogger.impl=com.alipay.sofa.rpc.log.SLF4JLoggerImpl -Dmultiple.classloader.enable=false -Devent.bus .enable=false

A pressure test on BOLT+hessian has been done.

  • Server: 4C8G virtual machine; gigabit network; jdk1.8.0_111;

  • Client: 50 concurrent requests

Protocol Request Response Server TPS Average RT (ms)
bolt+hessian 1KB string 1KB string Directly return 10000 1.93
bolt+hessian 1KB string 1KB string Directly return 20000 4.13
bolt+hessian 1KB string 1KB string Directly return 30000 7.32
bolt+hessian 1KB string 1KB string Directly return 40000 15.78
bolt+hessian 1KB string 1KB string Directly return 50000 (Close to the utmost limit, error rate: 0.3%) 26.51