Service publishing and reference in SOFABoot

Update time: 2024-09-18

This document describes the complete SOFARPC service publishing and reference in the SOFABoot environment.

Publish service

 <bean id="helloSyncServiceImpl" class=""/>
 <sofa:service ref="helloSyncServiceImpl" interface="" unique-id="">
            <sofa:global-attrs registry="" serialize-type="" filter="" timeout="3000" thread-pool-ref=""
                               warm-up-weight="10" weight="100"/>
Attribute Name Default value Comment
id ID bean名
class Class None
ref Service interface implementation class
interface Service interface (unique identifier) Use actual interface class for both normal calls and return calls
unique-id Service tag (unique identifier)
filter Filter configuration alias Separated by commas
registry Server registry center Separated by commas
timeout Execution timeout period on the server
serialize-type Serialization protocol hessian2,protobuf
thread-pool-ref Thread pool used by the current interface of the server None
weight Service static weight
warm-up-weight Service warm-up weight
warm-up-time Service warm-up time Unit: millisecond

Reference service

<sofa:reference jvm-first="false" id="helloSyncServiceReference"
                    interface="" unique-id="">
            <sofa:global-attrs type="sync" timeout="3000" callback-ref="" callback-class="" address-wait-time="1000"
                               connect.num="1" check="false" connect.timeout="1000" filter="" generic-interface=""
                     "1000" lazy="false" loadBalancer="" registry="" retries="1"
                               serialize-type="" />
            <sofa:route target-url="xxx:12200" />
            <sofa:method name="hello" callback-class="" callback-ref="" timeout="3000" type="sync"/>
Attribute Name Default value Comment
id ID Generated automatically
jvm-first Whether to call the service of local machine first true
interface Service interface (unique identifier) Use actual interface class for both normal calls and return calls
unique-id Service tag (unique identifier)
local-first whether refer to the service via jvm call true set it to false if this is to call a remote service via rpc
type Calling type sync callback,sync,future,oneway
filter Filter configuration alias List
registry Server registry center List
method Method-level configuration Same as above
serialize-type Serialization protocol hessian2
target-url Direct address Call service using the direct address
generic-interface Generic interface
Connect.timeout Timeout period for connection establishment 3000(cover 5000)
connect.num Connections 1
idle.timeout Idle timeout Read idle timeout
loadBalancer Load balancing algorithm random
lazy Whether to delay establishing a persistent connection false
address-wait-time Waiting time for getting address -1 It depends on the implementation and may not take effect.
timeout Call timeout period 3000(cover 5000)
retries Number of retries after failure 0 It is related to cluster mode and is read by failover.
Callback-class Callback class None Available for callback
Callback-ref Callback class None Available for callback