Basic usage of RESTful protocol

Update time: 2024-09-18

In SOFARPC, using different communication protocols is equal to using different Bindings. If you need to use the RESTful protocol, just set Binding to REST.

Publish Service

When defining a RESTful service interface, you need to add meta information to the interface using the annotations in JAXRS standard, such as the following interface:

public interface SampleService {
    String hello();

The annotations in JAXRS standard can be found in RESTEasy documentation.

After the interface is defined, you can publish the implementation of the interface as a service, for example, by means of Annotation:

@SofaService(bindings = {@SofaServiceBinding(bindingType = "rest")})
public class RestfulSampleServiceImpl implements SampleService {
    public String hello() {
        return "Hello";

If you want to publish the service by other methods, please refer to Basic usage of Bolt protocol.

Access services through browser

After the service is published, you can directly access the service through the browser. For the above service, the access address is as follows:


The default port for SOFARPC RESTful service is 8341.

Reference Service

In addition to accessing RESTful services published by SOFARPC through a browser, you can also reference services through the standard SOFARPC service reference methods, such as Annotation:

@SofaReference(binding = @SofaReferenceBinding(bindingType = "rest"))
private SampleService sampleService;

If you want to reference the service by other methods, please refer to Basic usage of Bolt protocol.