Get started with SOFARPC

Update time: 2024-09-18

This document introduces how to apply SOFARPC for service publishing and reference. This example will simulate a server locally to listen to a port and publish a service, and the client will reference the service for direct call.

You can get the code sample of this document by clicking here.

Create a project

You need to install JDK 6 or above and Maven 3 or above.

Create a new Maven project and introduce SOFARPC dependency.

    <version>latest version</version>

Note: The latest version can be found at

Write a server implementation

Step 1: Create interface

 * Quick Start demo interface
public interface HelloService {
    String sayHello(String string);

Step 2: Create interface implementation

 * Quick Start demo implement
public class HelloServiceImpl implements HelloService {
    public String sayHello(String string {
        System.out.println("Server receive: " + string);
        return "hello " + string + " !";

Step 3: Write the server code

 * Quick Start Server
public class QuickStartServer {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ServerConfig serverConfig = new ServerConfig()
                .setProtocol("bolt") // Set a protocol, which is bolt by default
                .setPort(12200) // set a port, which is 12200 by default
                .setDaemon(false); // non-daemon thread

        ProviderConfig<HelloService> providerConfig = new ProviderConfig<HelloService>()
                .setInterfaceId(HelloService.class.getName()) // Specify the interface
                .setRef(new HelloServiceImpl()) // Specify the implementation
                .setServer(serverConfig); // Specify the server

        providerConfig.export (); // Publish service

Write a client implementation

Step 1: Get the server interface

In general, the server provides the interface class to the client in the form of jar. In this example, this step is skipped since the server and client are in the same project.

Step 2: Write the client code

 * Quick Start client
public class QuickStartClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ConsumerConfig<HelloService> consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig<HelloService>()
            .setInterfaceId(HelloService.class.getName()) // Specify the interface
            .setProtocol("bolt") // Specify the protocol.setDirectUrl
            .setDirectUrl("bolt://"); // Specify the direct connection address
        // Generate the proxy class
        HelloService helloService = consumerConfig.refer();
        while (true) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {


Start the server and client separately.

The server outputs:

Server receive: The world

The client outputs:

hello world !


For more examples, please refer to: example