RPC publishing and reference configuration

Update time: 2024-09-18


Attribute Name Default value Comment
id ID Generated automatically
application Application object Empty ApplicationConfig
interfaceId Service interface (unique identifier) Use the actual interface class for both normal calls and return calls.
uniqueId Service tag (unique identifier)
filterRef Filter configuration example List
filter Filter configuration alias separated by commas
registry Registry center on the server List
methods Method-level configuration Map<String, MethodConfig>
serialization Serialization protocol hessian2
register Whether to register true It depends on the implementation and may not take effect.
subscribe Whether to subscribe true It depends on the implementation and may not take effect.
proxy Proxy type javassist As well as JDK dynamic proxy
ref Service interface implementation class
server server List, and it can be sent to multiple servers at once
delay Time for delaying service publishing Service delay
weight Service static weight
include Included methods
exclude Methods not included
dynamic Whether to dynamically register
priority Service priority
bootstrap Service publishing starter bolt
executor Custom thread pool
timeout Execution timeout period for server
concurrents Concurrent execution request Maximum number of parallel executable requests per method under interface. -1 indicates turning off the concurrent filter, and 0 means that filtering is enabled but not limited
cacheRef Result cache implementation class
mockRef Mock implementation class
mock Whether to enable Mock
validation Whether to enable parameter verification (jsr303)
compress Whether to start compression false
cache Whether to enable result caching false
parameters Extra attributes Map<String, String>


Attribute Name Default value Comment
id ID Generated automatically
application Application object Empty ApplicationConfig
interfaceId Service interface (unique identifier) Use the actual interface class for both normal calls and return calls.
uniqueId Service tag (Unique identifier)
filterRef Filter configuration example List
filter Filter configuration alias List
registry Registry center on the server List
methods Method-level configuration Map<String, MethodConfig>
serialization Serialization protocol hessian2
register Whether to register true It depends on the implementation and may not take effect.
subscribe Whether to subscribe true It depends on the implementation and may not take effect.
proxy proxy type javassist As well as JDK dynamic proxy
protocol Call protocol bolt Currently supports bolt, rest, dubbo
directUrl Direct address Directly connected to register
generic Whether to generalize calls false
connectTimeout Timeout period for connection establishment 3000(cover 5000)
disconnectTimeout Timeout period for disconnection 5000(cover 10000)
cluster Cluster mode failover
connectionHolder Connection manager implementation all
loadBalancer Load balancing algorithm random
lazy Whether to delay establishing a persistent connection false
Sticky Whether to use sticky connection false Skip load balancing algorithm and use previous address
inJVM Whether to switch to JVM call true JVM discovers service provider and turns to local
check Whether to check for strong dependencies false Startup failure due to no server available
Heartbeat Heartbeat Interval 30000 The client sends heartbeat interval to the server. It depends on the implementation and may not take effect.
reconnect Reconnection interval 10000 The interval at which the client rebuilds the persistent connection of the port. It depends on the implementation and may not take effect.
router Router configuration alias ​​ List
routerRef Router configuration example List
bootstrap Service reference starter bolt
addressWait Waiting time for address acquisition -1 It depends on the implementation and may not take effect.
timeout Call timeout period 3000(cover 5000)
retries Number of retries after failure 0 It is related to cluster mode and is read in failover mode.
invokeType Calling type sync
onReturn Number of concurrent execution requests Maximum number of parallel executable requests per method under interface. -1 indicates turning off concurrent filters, and 0 means that filtering is enabled but not restricted.
cacheRef Result cache implementation class
mockRef Mock implementation class
cache Whether to enable result caching false
mock Whether to enable Mock
validation Whether to enable parameter verification Based on JSR303
compress Whether to start compression false
parameters Extra attributes Map<String, String>
rejectedExecutionPolicy Rejection strategy when the callback thread pool is full DISCARD DISCARD: discard the callback task, CALLER_RUNS: caller runs the callback in IO-thread, CALLER_HANDLE_EXCEPTION: caller handle the task with exception strategy provided. @since 5.8.1


Attribute Name Default value Comment
name Method name
timeout Call timeout period null
retries Number of retries after failure null
invokeType Calling type null
validation Whether to enable parameter verification null Based on JSR303
onReturn SofaResponseCallback called on return null Used to implement callback
concurrent Number of concurrent execution requests null Maximum number of concurrently executeable requests per method under interface. -1 indicates turning off concurrent filters, and 0 means that filtering is enabled but not restricted.
validation Whether to enable parameter verification null
compress Whether to start compression null
parameters Extra attributes Map<String, String>


id Id Default value Comment
protocol Protocol bolt Currently supports bolt, rest, dubbo
host host
port port 12200 Default port: bolt:12200, rest:8341, h2c:12300, dubbo:20880
contextPath Context path /
ioThreads Number of IO Thread Pools 0 It depends on implementation and may not take effect. For example, bolt defaults to cpu*2. 0 means automatic calculation.
threadPoolType Business thread pool type cached
coreThreads Size of core business thread pool 80(override 20)
maxThreads Maximum size of business thread pool 400(override 200)
telnet Whether to allow telnet true It depends on the implementation and may not take effect. For example, bolt does not support telnet.
queueType Business thread pool type normal There is also priority queue, etc.
queues Business thread pool queue 1000(override 0)
aliveTime Business thread pool survival time 300000(override 60000)
preStartCore Id Generated automatically
accepts Maximum number of persistent connections 100000 It depends on the implementation and may not take effect.
serialization Serialization protocol hesisan2
virtualHost Virtual host address preferred when registering to the registry center
virtualPort virtual host port preferred when registering to the registry center
epoll Using false It depends on the implementation and may not take effect.
Daemon Whether to guard the port true If true, exit with the main thread exit; if false, exit actively.
adaptivePort Whether to adjust the port false When the port is occupied, +1 automatically to adapt
transport Transport layer implementation bolt (cover netty4) It depends on the implementation and may not take effect.
autoStart Whether to automatically start the port true
stopTimeout Timeout period (ms) for graceful shutdown 10000(override 20000)
boundHost Bound Address It defaults to the host value.
parameters Extra attribute Map<String, String>


Attribute Name Default value Comment
protocol Protocol zookeeper Currently supports zookeeper and local
address Registry center Address You must select one from the address and index attribute.
index Specify the address of the registry center addressing service You must select one from the index and address attribute.
register whether to register service true
subscribe Whether to subscribe to service true
timeout Timeout period for calling registry center 10s
connectTimeout Timeout period for connecting to registry center 20s
file local file location used by local protocol $HOME