Basic usage of Bolt protocol

Update time: 2024-09-18

Publish Service

To use SOFARPC to publish a Bolt-protocol service, you only need to add a Binding named bolt. The ways to add Bolt Binding are as follows:


To publish a Bolt service using XML, simply add the <sofa:binding.bolt> tag to the <sofa:service> tag:

<sofa:service ref="sampleService" interface="">


To publish a Bolt service using Annotation, you only need to set the bindingType of @SofaServiceBinding to bolt:

@SofaService(bindings = {@SofaServiceBinding(bindingType = "bolt")})
Public class SampleServiceImpl implements SampleService {

API in Spring environment

To publish a Bolt-protocol service in Spring or Spring Boot environment, just add BoltBindingParam to ServiceParam:

ServiceParam serviceParam = new ServiceParam();
serviceParam.setInterfaceType(SampleService.class); // Set the service interface
serviceParam.setInstance(new SampleServiceImpl()); // Set the implementation of the service interface
List<BindingParam> params = new ArrayList<BindingParam>();
BindingParam serviceBindingParam = new BoltBindingParam();

API in non-Spring environment

To provide the Bolt-protocol service using the bare API of SOFARPC in a non-Spring environment, just set the ServerConfig whose protocol is Bolt to the corresponding ProviderConfig:

RegistryConfig registryConfig = new RegistryConfig()
// Create a new ServerConfig with Bolt protocol
ServerConfig serverConfig = new ServerConfig()
ProviderConfig<SampleService> providerConfig = new ProviderConfig<SampleService>()
        .setRef(new SampleServiceImpl())
        .setServer(serverConfig) // Set ServerConfig to ProviderConfig to indicate that the protocol published by this service is Bolt.

Reference Service

To reference a Bolt-protocol service using SOFARPC, just add a Binding named bolt. The ways to use Bolt Binding are as follows:


To reference a Bolt-protocol service using XML, simply add the <sofa:binding.bolt> tag to the <sofa:reference> tag:

<sofa:reference id="sampleService" interface="">


To reference a Bolt-protocol service using Annotation, just set the bindingType of @SofaReferenceBinding to bolt:

@SofaReference(binding = @SofaReferenceBinding(bindingType = "bolt"))
Private SampleService sampleService;

API in Spring environment

To reference a Bolt-protocol service in a Spring or Spring Boot environment, simply add a BoltBindingParam to ReferenceParam:

ReferenceClient referenceClient = clientFactory.getClient(ReferenceClient.class);
ReferenceParam<SampleService> referenceParam = new ReferenceParam<SampleService>();

BindingParam refBindingParam = new BoltBindingParam();

API in non-Spring environment

To reference a Bolt-protocol service using the bare API of SOFARPC in a non-Spring environment, you only need to set the ConsumerConfig protocol to bolt:

ConsumerConfig<SampleService> consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig<SampleService>()
SampleService sampleService = consumerConfig.refer();