This article is intended to help developers who are new to the MOSN project to quickly build a development environment, and compile, test, package, and run sample code.
Note: MOSN is developed based on Go 1.12.7 and uses dep for dependency management.
Prepare running environment
- If you use a container to run MOSN, you must install Docker first.
- If you use a local machine, you must use a Unix-like environment.
- Install Go’s build environment.
- Install dep. See the official installation documentation.
Get codes
The codes for the MOSN project are hosted in GitHub and can be obtained in the following way:
go get
If an error occurs when run “go get”, just create the project manually.
# Enter src dirctory under GOPATH
cd $GOPATH/src
# Create dirctory
mkdir -p
# clone MOSN codes
git clone
cd sofa-mosn
The final path of MOSN source codes is $GOPATH/src/
Import by using IDE
Use the Golang IDE to import the $GOPATH/src/
project. Goland is recommended.
Compile codes
In the project root directory, select the following command to compile the MOSN binary file according to your machine type and the environment where you want to execute binary:
Compile with Docker image
make build // compile linux 64bit executable binary
non-docker, local compilation
Compile local executable binary files.
make build-local
Non-Linux machine compiles Linux 64-bit executable binary files crosswise.
make build-linux64
Non-Linux machine compiles Linux 32-bit executable binary files crosswise.
make build-linux32
Once compiled, the compiled binary files can be found in the build/bundles/${version}/binary
Create image
Run the following command to create an image:
make image
Run test
In the project root directory, run the unit test:
make unit-test
In the project root directory, run the integrate test(slow):
make integrate
Start MOSN from configuration file
./mosn start -c '$CONFIG_FILE'
Start MOSN forwarding sample program
See the sample project in the examples
Use MOSN to build a Service Mesh platform
See Integrate Istio.